Case Studies
Get to know a little of the experience of some customers with our solutions
What do our clients have to say?

"Using the Tz0 software distribution tool brought many benefits to the company, especially in the distribution and management of the packets for the remote terminals, as it increased the availability of the network during the transmissions of updates of the systems or the new software installations and it accelerated the delivery updates. This has generated greater reliability in the delivery of the packets to the terminals, ensuring that it is delivered in full."

"Tz0 helps us a lot in audits, which in general have a lot to do with the security of the information circulating in our network. The environment here is very large, and still has the fact that our client is inserted into our network. That's why we need to make everything as safe as possible."

"Trauma Zer0 suite is the Asset Management tool used in a park of approximately 13,000 computers managed by Procempa. It supports the processes of remote assistance, inventory management and auditing, distribution and development of software packets and security policies. Used for more than 10 years in our environment, Trauma Zer0 is constantly updated to meet the new demands and challenges in computer network management."

"We had a cost reduction with the Tz0, we stopped spending. Which ends up being a reduction as well. The company cannot only worry about making money, to stop spending is also to win. "Trauma Zer0 is the only software I know that does this kind of work very well, I do not know of any other measurement software as interesting as the Tz0 Metering."

"Trauma Zer0 assures us the control of equipment, with software and hardware inventory; online documentation of installed software and its respective use bringing a complete view of safety and the consequent - and real - cost reduction (TCO) with planning of positive results for the company, Trauma Zer0 assists us with usage and safety policies in the stations, not allowing them to be misused. The remote access decreases the time of helpdesk service to the user with a better approval of problems and the solution thereof, thus, it becomes more agile, for sure."

"In search of a reliable solution for asset management and software distribution, Tecban decided to evaluate the offer of the top 13 players in the segment, from which it selected five for a proof of concept. "We chose Trauma Zer0 from iVirtua because it was the product that best meet the needs at an affordable price." Among the advantages of the new tool, we highlight the interoperability with the cadastral systems, which allows the recognition of new machines and the generation of inventory automatically. In addition, thanks to a feature developed for Tecban, the solution is able to monitor the financial devices that make up the ATMs."

"Before Tz0 Phoenix we used other tools to capture and deploy our images. However, with the Tz0 Phoenix, we achieved a very significant time gain in this process, about 1/4 of the previous time. Despite the features that allow us to work remotely, the format we use is manual, via flash drive and this was only possible by the degree of compression that the images acquired with Tz0 Phoenix. Therefore, we believe that we have made the right choice when choosing this tool."

"The Tz0 Cycle has brought more agility and visibility into the company's demands for the team. With it, the client services have become much more organized and the clients are served in a shorter term and, thus, we have more time to dedicate ourselves to other activities. In addition, with indicators, our teams can see deficiencies in certain areas of the company, making faster decisions for error correction, new hiring and elimination of bottlenecks."

"We created a security policy based entirely on Tz0, and from it we implemented a doctrine of awareness, regarding the correct use of information. Today, employees' accesses are focused on the corporate environment. People send the information to our sector and soon they already ask that we do the release of certain sites, because of some account, or situation that has changed within the client."

"Trauma Zer0 meets our needs completely, it is a tool that accurately reports all the information that the company needs control everything that happens in the IT park. The remote connection we make to the Tz0 console is great, remote access is safe and works very well. With the inventory module you can pull the entire configuration of the machines from our industrial and administrative park completely."
UCS- University of Caxias do Sul
Educational Institution

Advanta Conectividade Inteligente

Unialco S/A
