Working from home Productivity with        Trauma Zer0


The concept of home office work was already established prior to COVID-19, but it has intensified even more during and after the pandemic. In some countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, estimates suggest that around 40-50% of the workforce worked remotely during the pandemic and a lot of those companies kept this modality due to its benefits.

The home office is the perfect solution to provide well-being and comfort to employees, but did you know that it is possible to do this without losing productivity in your company?

In this article, we give you some tips on how to maintain productivity working from home and how Trauma Zero can help.

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4 tips on how to keep your employees' productivity high

One of the difficulties that working from home can bring, especially for those who have never worked this way before, is to avoid procrastination and be able to deliver their tasks on time. So, we have selected 4 tips to improve the performance of your employees:

  • Establish a routine:

Suggest that your employees keep a consistent daily routine by setting regular working hours. This helps to create structure and avoid procrastination.

  • Set goals and deadlines:

Set clear and realistic goals for projects and assign deadlines. By setting clear goals and setting realistic deadlines for achieving them, we increase productivity, motivation, and efficiency.

  • Encourage virtual socializing:

Create opportunities for virtual social interactions, such as online happy hours, virtual cafes, or informal chat rooms. This helps foster a more pleasant work environment.

  • Use tools to help track productivity:

Automating helps with monitoring and ensures that projects are delivered faster.

Read also: Keep your employees productive while maintaining security.

It is time to automate!

Trauma Zero has the right solutions for you to automate this process.

With the Tz0 Metering module, the manager has access to all activities performed by their employees. In addition, it has a resource that enables registering unproductive websites and softwares, making it easier to view everything that was accomplished during work hours.

The Tz0 Inventory module helps you to track performance by providing a detailed inventory of any software or hardware.

Thus, ensuring increased productivity and complete analysis even in the home office modality.

Trauma Zero has the appropriate solutions to help your company. Get in touch with us.

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