Tz0 Sondas
E-mail Monitoring

Is your company being forged? Are you forewarned?
Hundreds of corporations are harmed daily through industrial espionage, social engineering, employees sending resumes and keeping in touch with competitors, the careless sending of company's strategic information, which in the hands of the competition can cause irreparable damage. The Tz0 Sondas monitors all the messages that run through the company network. Through conditions linked to actions, it is possible to filter subjects, texts, people, and documents referred to in the title, the body of the message, and even within attachments. Unlike other server-level email monitoring solutions, Tz0 Sondas acts integrated with the operating system, allowing signed and encrypted emails (with any technology) to be monitored like the others, in a process impossible to be circumvented.

Is managing messaging rules a complicated process?

Legal basis in lawsuits

Can the network get faster without additional investment?

- Compliance with RIP (Regulation of Investigatory Powers);
- Creation and monitoring of email rules in real time;
- Rebuilding of emails in real time;
- Savings up to 60% of the bandwidth wasted in attachments;
- Distributed processing in networks of any size and Fraud prevention;
- Historical traceability of emails in the database;
- Product with support to 3 languages (English, Portuguese and Spanish);
- Support for Windows "Microsoft Outlook 98 or higher".
By purchasing this product, you receive the following three products for free: